Monday, April 27, 2009

Example Flash files for class

Here are some examples of basic flash we'll be discussing in class tomorrow.

Tuesday, April 21, 2009

Style Guide examples

Here is a link to the Style Guide we created in class today.

Here is the Aveda Style Guide example:

Here is the shorter Style Guide for an online application we went over in Class:

Also, here is another Style Guide example from a recent project I worked on:

I am pushing back the deadline for when the Style Guide is due to May 5th to give you more time. However, for those of you who are far enough along in your designs that you can start on the style guide, please feel free to hand it in earlier on April 28th.

Hope all of this helps,

Sunday, April 5, 2009

Design Coding Pointers

Heres some pointers when your designing your page